The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho
Death of Deer Near Idaho City
Resembles Mutilations of Cattle
Without any signs of blood, cause of death or drag marks, a field-dressed deer was found this weekend east of Idaho City by a Boise couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred "Scottie" Johnson, of 915 Krall, were camping at a site about 17 miles east of Idaho City in the Rabbit Creek area when they reported finding a dead deer laying flat on its back with the entrails cleanly removed.
At first glance, the incident appears to be similar to the bizarre killings of the six cattle near Council, Johnson said. As was the case with this deer, no signs of blood or death wounds were present.
However, circumstances surrounding the deaths are different. The cattle were untouched except for the removal of the tongues, sexual organs and udders, but the deer's entrails had been removed entirely and the tongue had not been cut out, according to Johnson.
"It was a professional job," said Johnson, who added the breast bone of the deer was cleanly cut with a very sharp knife.
Johnson said he has hunted deer for many years and described the deer as "about a two-year-old doe." He examined the deer for cause of death and found no bullet holes or other wounds.
Earlier in the day, Mrs. Johnson saw a man walk by their camper coming from the direction where they found the deer, Johnson said.
"About 3:30 that afternoon, we were taking a nap in the camper," Johnson said. His wife awakened and "saw a guy walking down the draw carrying a plastic bag," he said. She did not see what was in the bag, however, he said. "We didn't pay much attention to it."
"We didn't see anyone go up. Why would he go up there?" Johnson asked. Mrs. Johnson said the man wore nothing out of the ordinary; a young fellow, but not a hippie, she said.
There are a lot of deer in that area and often come to two salt licks near the camp, Johnson said. The Johnsons found no other dead deer.
"It was just a terrible thing. We couldn't stand it so we came home early," he said.
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Three Cows Found Dead
In Cascade Reservoir
CASCADE - Three dead cattle were found floating in Cascade Reservoir halfway between Tamarack and the West Mountain Lodge Sunday afternoon, the Valley County sheriff reported.
During the past three weeks, six cattle have been found mutilated near Council. However Sunday's incident was in no way connected to the previous cattle killings, Sheriff Darold Lynskey said.
He said an autopsy was being performed on the cattle to determine the exact cause of death. The cattle had not been shot nor were there any signs that they had been driven into the water and died there, he said.
The three cows were part of a large herd grazing in a pasture on the west side of Cascade Reservoir, the sheriff said. All the cattle were grazing near the water and "some were still doing so," he said.
"It may have been a poisoned weed or grass." The cause of death will not be known until after the autopsy is completed, Lynskey said.
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