The Pueblo Chieftain, Pueblo, Colorado
Dead Horse Riddle Sparks UFO Buffs
ALAMOSA (C-SJ)-The death of a horse in the San Luis Valley during early September appeared Friday to have sparked a renewed interest in unidentifled flying objects throughout the West.
In Houston, Tex., a group of UFO enthusiasts left Friday night for the San Luis Valley to inspect the dead horse and also to investigate many reported UFO sightings in the valley.
A Texas radio station reported a flood of calls Friday morning after broadcasting the story of the bizarre death of the Appaloosa owned by Mr. and Mrs. Berle Lewis of Alamosa.
The horse was found dead Sept. 9. The flesh and hide were stripped from the neck and skull leaving the remainder of the body intact. High levels of radiation also were reported in the area of the animal's body.
See "Something"
Lewis, the owner of the horse, said that increased sightings of UFOs in the area have been noted during the past six weeks. "We see something - I won't say what it is - every night."
In the Houston area at 6:08 p m. Friday, UFO seekers said they spotted two high-flying cigar - shaped objects - each about half the size of a football field - on a course "plotted" to take them over the Southern Colorado area.
In Boulder, James Wadsworth, research Investigator for the University of Colorado UFO project, said an investigator will go to the San Luis- Valley this weekend to investigate the horse's death.
Mrs. Charles Blundell, wife of the maintenance crew foreman at the Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Friday said the latest sightings brought back to her mind a curious incident.
Mrs. Blundell said she saw a crescent-shaped object over the Sand Dunes last December. Later she painted a picture of what she had seen.
"Peculiar Man"
During the past summer, a "peculiar man" approached her and asked to buy the painting. She said she did not want to sell, but did set an exorbitant price on the painting. She said the man, who said he was "not of your world," told her he would return in October to buy the painting. He has not returned.
The UFO seen by Mrs. Blundell glowed brightly. It also was seen by her daughter, Terri, 14, and neighbors. Mrs. Blundell says she does not believe in flying saucers and believes there is a logical explanation.
Similar Sighting
A week ago, scientists at the National Atmospheric Research Center near Palestine, Tex., reported seeing a crescent-shaped object in the sky, much like the object described by Mrs. Blundell.
Texas observers also have reported a sharp increase in sightings of UFOs in the area during the past two weeks.
One thing is certain in Southern Colorado. Saucers may or may not exist, but people are seeing something.
Snippy the Appaloosa is dead, and the circumstances surrounding his death are far from clear.
Nuclear Era
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